Astrolog ** version 5.40 **
Astrolog: currently used in over 35 countries on six continents!
Astrolog is relatively unique in astrology software for
the following reasons:
(1) It's 100% freeware.
(2) Features are accessible from the command line and from shell scripts.
(3) It offers many features not found in most other programs.
"The Best Freeware/Shareware Program of 1995 is Astrolog for
- American Astrology, March 1996
"One exceptionally good freeware program is available to
astrologers -
good enough to be worthy of review with the main commercial programs.
This is Astrolog..." - The Mountain Astrologer, November 1995
"For a free program to have such a superb ephemeris with an
range is incredible." - American Astrology, November 1994
A list of the main features in Astrolog:
Position calculation features:
Positions of Sun through Pluto and the house cusps.
Positions of Chiron and the four main asteroids.
Positions of True and Mean nodes, Part of Fortune, Vertex, and East Point.
Positions of Lilith.
Positions of the eight Uranian planets.
Positions of over 40 fixed stars.
Positions of over 170 Arabic parts and their formulas.
Option to use any or all of accurate 8400 year ephemeris.
Computation features:
Fourteen house systems.
Tropical and sidereal zodiac.
Specify zodiac starting position / ayanamsa.
Heliocentric and other planet centered charts.
Applying and separating aspects.
Parallel and contraparallel aspects.
Harmonic charts.
Solar charts with objects on Ascendant or Midheaven.
Decan positions.
Navamsa positions.
Specify your own positions for planets.
Positions relative to ecliptic or equator.
Local horizon positions in prime vertical coordinates.
Display formats:
Generic position listing.
Wheel charts.
Hindu or Vedic format wheel charts.
Aspect and midpoint grids.
List aspect configurations such as Yods.
List aspects sorted by influence.
List midpoints sorted by position.
Local horizon positions.
Times of planets rising and setting.
Solar system orbit charts.
Gauquelin sector charts.
Astro-graph charts.
List latitude crossings in astro-graph charts.
Generic monthly and yearly calendars.
Ephemeris tables.
Biorhythm charts.
Transit and progression features:
Secondary progressions and solar arc progressions.
Specify your own progression rate.
Times of exact aspects among transiting planets.
Times of planets changing sign or direction.
Times of lunar phases and season changes.
Times of exact aspects in a progressed chart.
Times of exact transit hits.
Times of transits to house cusps.
Times of solar, lunar, and other returns.
Times of exact transits from progressed planets.
List transits to natal planets within orb in influence order.
List aspects within orb among transiting planets in influence order.
Transits to composite and other no-time charts.
Relationship chart features:
Synastry charts.
Composite charts.
Time space midpoint charts.
Weighted relationship charts.
Display elapsed time between charts.
Aspect and midpoint grids between two charts.
Aspect and midpoint lists between two charts.
Automatic progressed to natal comparison chart.
Interpretation features:
Influence charts sorting planets and signs by power.
Interpret natal positions and natal aspects.
Interpret transits and midpoints.
Interpret transiting aspects and sign and direction changes.
Interpret aspects and midpoints between charts.
Interpret synastry charts.
Graphics features:
Graphic wheel chart.
Graphic bi-wheel comparison / transit chart.
Graphic tri-wheels and quad-wheels.
Graphic aspect / midpoint and relationship aspect / midpoint grids.
Graphic astro-graph chart on a map of the world.
Graphic local horizon, polar horizon, Gauquelin wheel, and orbit charts.
Graphic ephemeris tracking chart.
Graphic calendars and biorhythms.
Dispositor graph chart.
Plot positions among the astronomical constellations.
Smoothly animate charts through time at varying rates.
Continuously update chart to current moment now.
Animate a rotating globe.
Timed exposures for horizon and orbit charts.
Create PostScript graphic files.
Create graphic X11 and Windows bitmap files.
Create Windows metafiles.
Customization options:
Initialization file for default settings.
Choose what transiting and natal planets to include in charts.
Choose among 18 major and minor aspects, or define your own.
Specify aspect orbs.
Specify the maximum orb allowed to a planet.
Specify wider orbs for any planet.
Display zodiac positions to the nearest second.
DMY & MDY date formats and 24 hour & am/pm time formats.
Display locations in hours & minutes or 360 degree form.
Customize interpretation strings.
Customize colors.
Define your own orbital elements for planets.
Choose among graphic glyphs for certain signs and planets.
Specify influence of planets and planets when transiting.
Specify influence of houses and aspects.
Chart access features:
Quick charts for the current moment now.
Save and load chart time and place to file.
Save and load chart positions to file.
Save text output directly to file.
Relocate charts.
Cast a chart a specified time ahead of any chart.
System features:
Display text charts in Ansi color.
Paging for when text charts are more than a screenful.
Access environment variables.
Define macros for your most common operations.
Easy to use menu and dialog interface in the Windows version.
Astrolog system requirements:
For the Windows version, at least 2M of RAM and
Windows 3.1 or later.
Astrolog for Windows will run under Windows for Workgroups, Windows '95,
and Windows NT.
The Macintosh Astrolog will run on any reasonably recent 68K Mac
with 750K free,
and will run on PowerMac's in emulation mode.
Astrolog files:
When accessing sites offering Astrolog, one may encounter various files.
Here is a list of them and what they contain, so one will know which ones to actually
README.540 -
A summary of Astrolog and what it offers. What you're reading now.
A copy of this file is contained in and ast54mac.hqx. -
A ready to run MS Windows executable and related files.
For most users, this is the only file needed.
Pkunzip version 2.04 or later required to unpack.
ast54mac.hqx -
A ready to run Macintosh executable and related files.
BinHex 4.0 is required to unpack.
Helpfile.540 -
The complete documentation for all of Astrolog's features.
A copy of this file is contained in and ast54mac.hqx.
History.540 -
Describes the history and additions made to each version of Astrolog
since its beginning. Generally only useful if one is upgrading from
several versions ago and wants to be updated on the past few releases.
LRZ5_xx, CHI_xx, CPJV_xx -
Ephemeris files. Not required but provide more accurate positions.
The files are in groups with xx being a number indicating the time period covered.
The three files LRZ5_24, CHI_24, and CPJV_24 cover the current and 21st centuries.
A copy of those three files are contained in and ast54mac.hqx.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: The graphics database and chart display
used in this program are Copyright (C) 1991-1998 by Walter D. Pullen
Permission is granted to freely use and distribute these routines
provided one doesn't sell, restrict, or profit from them in any way.
Modification is allowed provided these notices remain with any
altered or edited versions of the program.
The main planetary calculation routines used in this program have
been Copyrighted and the core of this program is basically a
conversion to C of the routines created by James Neely as listed in
Michael Erlewine's 'Manual of Computer Programming for Astrologers',
available from Matrix Software. The copyright gives us permission to
use the routines for personal use but not to sell them or profit from
them in any way.
The PostScript code within the core graphics routines are
and Copyright (C) 1992-1993 by Brian D. Willoughby. Conditions are
identical to those above.
The extended accurate ephemeris databases and formulas are from
calculation routines in the program "Placalc" and are programmed and
Copyright (C) 1989,1991,1993 by Astrodienst AG and Alois Treindl
The use of that source code is subject to regulations made by
Astrodienst Zurich, and the code is not in the public domain. This
copyright notice must not be changed or removed by any user of this
Walter D. "Cruiser1" Pullen :) !
Astrolog 5.40 homepage:
"Who am I, What am I? As I am, I am not. But as we are, I AM. And to you my creation,
My Perfect Love is your Perfect Freedom. And I will be with you forever and ever,
until the End, and then forever more." - GOD *