Aries : On January 2nd, the Moon reaches First Quarter in Aries.
Surely you need no excuses to keep your dreams from coming true. After this
blossoming of glorious vision, you work with clear mind and even temper
through the 8th. Give your accomplices due credit before someone manages
to blame the whole thing on you after the 9th. Childlike enthusiasm softens
your edge on the 11th. Greet newcomers at face value instead of immediately
scoping out their angle. The lessons of dulthood come back into play on
the 13th when you thwart a sudden rival's unfair advantage. Hold your position
as others spend most of the week misbehaving around you. It may be a new
year, but some are intent on repeating the same foolishness one more time.
By the 19th you find people that you can trust. Stay inside the safety zone
on the 21st as a friendly Sun enters Aquarius and a hostile sliver of Moon
reaches Capricorn. But the Moon favors you again soon enough, turning New
on the 24th and passing through your Sign from the 29th to 31st. The last
week of January is all about fulfilled promises for Aries. It's no surprise
that you win the argument. |
Taurus: The first 10 days of Taurus's January suggest the start
of a perfect year. Friends are everywhere, and their stories ring true.
Like attracts like between the 4th and 6th when the Moon is in your Sign.
You're spending as if there will never be a rainy day, so of course you'll
get one soon enough. Dark clouds dump all over your parade on the 11th and
12th, turning survival from a hazy abstract to a key issue. After this,
a strange plan looks practical and workable by the 13th. Even more amazing
is the overall opinion that Taurus pitched a winner this time. Your strength
of character gets you through the 17th and 18th, if only because you stand
tall among the disingenuous and incompetent. Leave yourself an opening on
the 21st, even if you don't need one until the 24th, when the
Aquarius New Moon makes it extremely uncomfortable to be Taurus. By late
on the 26th you lose your fear and regain your composure. Kind words and
generous investments are flowing in again. The rituals of power make sense
when they're supported by the goodwill of all the participants. |
Gemini: Gemini should take it easy on New Year's Day. Real opportunities
start on the 2nd with the First Quarter Moon in Aries. Good feelings are
rooted in reality. The Moon transits your Sign between the 6th and 8th,
meeting Earth's shadow in an eclipse when it turns Full on the 9th. Progressive
thinkers tune into broadcasts from the future. You see through other people's
nonsense. On the 11th you find your replacement -- now you don't want to
stop and rest. Virgo forces your hand on the 13th, ensuring a quiet weekend
whether or not you want one. You're back in action on the 15th, but by the
17th, you obviously require another strategy. Multitasking is out of the
question. The things that Gemini hopes to accomplish must happen one-by-one.
Self-deception beginning on the 21st is little more than a delusion until
the 24th when the world is ready to cooperate with your desires. Pisces
drains your energy and douses your hopes by late on the 26th. Luckily, someone
else has been thinking along your lines. When you push aside the curtains
on the 29th, the thing that you wanted most is already happening. Rush out
and join the fun. |
Cancer: Cancer turns up the volume on New Year's Day, but is
ready to hit the fast-forward button by January 2nd. The world isn't ready
for this message. Take a more relaxed approach on the 4th. It's a good omen
if guests joke about paying money for your art or cooking. The Full Moon
comes to Cancer for a lunar eclipse on the 9th. Despite this proof of a
big and mysterious world, it still feels like a small, friendly place. Healthy
instinct guides you through the week, whether you're out in public, hanging
around the house, or enjoying nature. By the 15th, though, you're on your
own again, and that may not be good news. Familiar events are interpreted
in widely different ways. A brief demonstration on the 17th or 18th leaves
you hungry for what you can't possibly possess. From the 19th to 26th, you
run the gauntlet of Sagittarius, Capricorn and especially Aquarius, who
aren't known for their gentle treatment of sensitive souls like Cancer.
Learn from this inconvenience, or else you've endured it in vain. Lost items
are found again on the 27th. Your troubles aren't over, but now you have
the incentive to face them with courage and spirit! |
Leo: Leo begins the New Year in debt. You're optimistic about
cleaning the slate on January 2nd and 3rd, but full resolution may not happen
until late on the 6th. Your comfort level rises as the Moon reaches Full
on the 9th, and as it transits Leo on the 11th and 12th you're at one with
the world. Vitality burns bright among all Fire Signs. Through responsible
action, you avoid slipping back into your troubles of earlier in the month,
although by the 17th your vast self-confidence begins to grate on the people
that it once charmed. Luckily your skin is thick, and on the 19th you're
able to prove what's so special about you. The Sun introduces new variables
and challenges as it enters Aquarius on the 21st. Informed decisions are
safer than wild gambles. But maybe Leo doesn't want to play it safe. If
you choose risk, you could be trapped in the company of fools sharing the
same consequences between the 26th and 28th. The Aries Moon saves your hide
in the final days of January. Rather than be afraid of what might have happened,
look forward to what you can do with this second chance. |
Virgo: January springs a surprise on Virgo. If you don't like
surprises, you might be off balance until the 4th. Take charge of your own
life, and leave others to their successes or failures. This attitude costs
you friends after the 6th, but the lunar eclipse of the 9th highlights Earth
energy as a force that can't be ignored. Now you have the information that
takes you to a deeper level. People with something to hide ask you to back
off, but with the Moon in your Sign on the 13th and 14th, ou're not changing
course. Be sure to explain your recipe for justice as you serve it up. Dress
to demonstrate authority and respect on the 15th. Show some humility by
the 18th so that the new gang feels more like trusting you when it sweeps
into power the next day. If someone is promoted ahead of you, you'll catch
up soon enough. The obvious works to your advantage on the 22nd and 23rd.
Use it or lose it, because the final week of January is an uncertain time
for Virgo. If you reach your destination on the 27th or 28th, stay there.
Changeable conditions create a strange period for travelers. |
Libra: Libra's optimism is important in the New Year, even if
early January's circumstances don't support it. Try to fill a leadership
vacuum on the 2nd or 3rd. Personal rebirth kicks in around the 5th, and
by the 8th you're the most popular kid in school again. Be ready for the
negative attention that follows in the shadow of a high profile. By the
11th you're obviously among friends. Cherish this moment and the initiatives
and suggestions that come from it. The Moon enters Libra on the 15th, reaching
Last Quarter on the 16th. Your inclusive vision plays well in any arena.
As the Sign of partnership, you get others to strengthen their allegiances,
especially those that involve you. Ride this wave of accomplishment until
it crashes into the beach late on the 21st. For a few days, you can see
through lies -- and it's not a welcome view. Connect with more deserving
people between the 24th and 26th. You'll know them by the quality of their
eye contact while shaking hands, and by the unpolished words of their enthusiasm
and sincerity. If the weather turns bad in the final days of January, at
least this will be the group that's stranded with you. |
Scorpio: For Scorpio, entering the New Year is like crossing
a line. The First Quarter Moon offers freedom and risk. Between the 2nd
and 6th, your assumptions would alarm parents and teachers. If there's a
price to pay, you'll feel it by the 8th. The lunar eclipse of the 9th brings
esoteric facts into the light of common knowledge. Scorpio gets anywhere
from 15 minutes to two days of fame until Leo upstages you on the 11th.
Go to the place where you belong, and you'll never be outclassed again.
After the 13th, you feel more comfortable with the idea of permanence. Relax
and count the benefits in a worthy home, relationship or job. By the 17th,
high idealism dissolves into healthy lust. The moment is all that matters
this week. Heed a warning on the 21st, even if it comes from someone that
you don't really like. Otherwise, you may find sponsorships revoked and
discoveries invalidated by the 24th. Scorpio has never been a good loser,
and this time your denial pays off. On the 27th you recapture all that was
taken from you, plus a little extra. Don't squander this victory. You never
know when the next one will be. |
Sagittarius: Sagittarius's roster of New Year's resolutions
is a potent wish list. By January 2nd you're seeking ways to make it all
come true. But your Jovian influence goes only so far. Between the 4th and
8th, experts might supplement the gaps in your skill set. On the 10th, you
must backpedal or downscale to accomplish anything. Confidence returns on
the 11th and 12th with fresh fire from Leo. Don't let your desires distract
you from what's real. Starting on the 15th, the Last Quarter Moon favors
your program. You strike gold almost immediately. Those who doubted you
are lining up for a handout. The waning Moon is in your Sign from the 19th
to 21st, when the new Aquarius Sun steps in on your side. You seem to own
history now, along with a healthy chunk of the future. You have until the
26th to impose your core values on useful people in search of a meaningful
direction. Pisces breaks your spell with a more seductive offer on the 27th
and 28th, but at last you've turned the tide in your favor. If the next
11 months turn out like this one, Sagittarius might actually make the impossible
happen. |
Capricorn: Capricorn wakes up with grand visions on New Year's
Day, but the world isn't ready. By January 3rd it's clear that someone still
bears a grudge. Try a new coat of paint between the 4th and 6th -- you have
to start somewhere. Avoid metaphors that could trigger overactive imaginations.
You're so eager to leave this edgy space that by the 11th you tune out all
the tantrums and insults. The global view that you adopt on the 13th shows
a cycle of loss and gain that looks a lot like a schedule of ocean tides.
Let the real action begin as the Moon reaches Last Quarter on the 16th.
Last year's crop or investment is ready to harvest this week. Present an
airtight case on the 19th, its logic beautifully preserved. Between the
21st and 23rd, the waning Moon spends its final days in apricorn. Stealth
is no longer necessary when you're in your element. Time is precious, but
you've front loaded all of your best moves. Collect any new leads and save
them for the next dry spell. That time may actually come by the 29th. The
secret of success is riding out the uneventful times between moments of
excitement. |
Aquarius: Aquarius has nothing but fun between January 1st and
3rd. Then you might wake up on the 4th wondering where your money went and
why you have this headache. Don't complain around someone who is genuinely
suffering. Put yourself back together so that you'll start attracting decent
offers on the 8th. The lunar eclipse of the 9th throws your plans off course
for almost a week. Enjoy what little control you have, and watch out for
surprises that the Universe might shake loose. Your turn comes again on
the 15th. Believe in the great overture that plays as you walk onstage,
and be willing to look bad during the first act. Starting on the 19th, your
troubles are over for the rest of January. People from faraway places enchant
you. Others finally care about what you need and how to satisfy you. The
Sun enters your Sign on the 21st, and from the 24th to 26th the New Moon
joins it there. You don't need to obey the law when you are the law. This
dangerous attitude will be tolerated if you're generous and entertaining.
The critics give you good reviews through the 31st. Now this is the way
to start the mathematical millennium. |
Pisces: The New Year begins with the Moon in Pisces. December's honeymoon spills over through January 6th. The Universe addresses your practical concerns as a first step to granting your wishes. By the 7th fulfillment is on hold. The lunar eclipse of the 9th illustrates commitment's dark side. You can't spin evidence visible to all eyes on the planet. On the 11th, Pisces turns inward. The little things in life need as much attention as the big things that have occupied you lately. Return calls and emails from people who worry about you. By Last Quarter on the 16th, your own excuses ring hollow. Switch gears. Play an active role in your community through the 18th. If your functionality would improve through counseling or medication, take care of this need by the 21st. Like any Water Sign, you know when your tide is coming back in. January ends with the excellence that you felt at the start of this month. Now you have the tools to finish granting those earlier wishes. The Moon turns New on the 24th and transits Pisces on the 27th and 28th. You're in touch with all life forces, whether real or artificial. Cats and computers know exactly what you mean! |